Christ In Color

Christianity in the global West has inspired some of the most classic, beautiful, and timeless works of visual art. As a whole, these artistic triumphs depict the historical Jesus and the cosmic Christ in ways that powerfully inspire sacred devotion and holy love.

However, a large portion of these visual depictions have one notable feature that is out of step with both history and scripture: they depict Jesus Christ as a white man.

Compellingly, neither the physical image of Jesus in time nor the spiritual image of Christ in scripture (ref Revelation 1:14-15) are an image of a white man. This ahistorical and ascriptural enmeshment of Christian art with white consciousness is not only laden with inaccuracies, but to the degree that it supports white supremacy (either inadvertently or deliberately), it is complicit in harm.

In light of these discrepancies and hazards, we issue an invitation to create original religious art that depicts Jesus Christ in ways that are more consonant with history and scripture. In short, this is a call for Christ in color.

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